

First of all there are two levels of lower SAPS (Sulfated Ash, Phosphorus, Sulfur) oils. 
首先C1 C4的機油可以分為兩個檔次,都屬 低硫配方(硫酸化灰分,磷,硫)的機油。

One is commonly referred to as "Mid-SAPS" which is covered by the ACEA C2 & C3 specifications. Currently these two specifications are the ones recommended by the vast majority of manufacturers.
通常被稱為中等-低硫配方,這包含了ACEA C2 C3規範。

ACEA C1 & C4 have even lower SAPS limits and at present have a very limited demand. Only Mazda and certain Jaguar models require the ACEA C1 specification. ACEA C4 is only recommended for certain Renault vehicles.
至於 ACEA  C1C4的規範,擁有 低硫配方(擁有低硫酸化灰分,磷,硫),這些規格的機油也只有極少的需求,目前僅 馬自達 捷豹 車種需要使用 ACEA C1的機油。 ACEA C4是某些雷諾指定的使用規格。

The difference between ACEA C2 & C3 is down to the HTHS (High Temp High Shear) limits. Lower HTHS values lead to improved fuel economy in engines designed to use this type of oil. Some manufacturers such as Honda, Toyota & PSA have designed their engines to take advantage of the fuel economy benefits of the C2 specification, whereas manufacturers such as BMW, MB & VW have gone for durability (longer drain intervals).
ACEA C2 C3的差異是在於它的HTHS(高溫高剪切力)限制。特殊設計的引擎必須使用 較低HTHS的機油,因為這將能有效提升燃油效率。舉例說明,本田,豐田 PSA設計它們的引擎以 C2規範並達到完整的提升燃油效率, 但是寶馬,賓士與VW針對的目標是耐用度 (以達到較長的換油週期)。

The reasons for having ACEA C1 and C4 are the same. ACEA C1 being the low HTHS fuel economy oil.
選擇使用ACEA C1C4的原因是相同的(Low SAP,低硫配方) ACEA C1可以達到更優良的燃油經濟效率,因為它屬 HTHS” (-高溫高剪切力) 機油。

The low HTHS oils such as ACEA C1 & C2 should not be used in vehicles requiring high HTHS oils such as ACEA C3 & C4 as this may lead to engine damage.
所以 ACEA C1C2  HTHS” (較低-高溫高剪切力) 的機油 是不適用於車輛 擁有 HTHS” 並須要 ACEA C3 C4的機油 (較高-高溫高剪切力),因為這可能導致引擎損壞。


ACEA C1 => 低硫配方, 低HTHS(較省油)

Carlube Triple R  5W30 Longlife  Fully Synthetic C1

Carlube Triple R 5w30 C1 is a fully synthetic low SAPS oil 
suitable for use in some of the latest 
Mazda & Jaguar petrol and diesel engines.



ACEA C2=> 中等-低硫配方 HTHS(較省油)

Carlube Triple R 5w30 Longlife Fully Synthetic C2

Carlube Triple R 5w30 C2 is a fully synthetic low SAPS oil 
suitable for use in the latest 
Citroen, Peugeot, Renault & Toyota 
petrol and diesel engines amongst others.

Renault RN0700, PSA B71 2290

ACEA C3=> 中等-低硫配方 HTHS(長耐用)

Carlube Triple R 5w30 Longlife Fully Synthetic C3

Carlube Triple R 5w30 C3 is a fully synthetic low SAPS oil 
suitable for use in the latest 
BMW & Mercedes petrol and diesel engines amongst others.

BMW LL04, MB229.51, GM GEOS B / Dexos II

ACEA C4=> 低硫配方,  高HTHS(長耐用)

Carlube Triple R 5w30 Longlife Fully Synthetic C4

Carlube Triple R 5w30 C4 is a fully synthetic low SAPS oil 
suitable for use in the latest 
Renault petrol and diesel engines.

 Renault RN0720


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